14th NOV18h30
Official opening of LUZA Festival at Marina de Faro 19h30/21h00/22h30 "Light Sound" LUZALAB – Raquel Fradique at Fábrica da Cerveja 20h30 "Star Presentation" at Açoteia Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve (With paid entrance) 00h00 Closure of the 1st day of LUZA Festival |
15th NOV16h00 to 17h00
LUZA kids - Workshop Creation of Holagram by Museu Zer0 at Fábrica da Cerveja Note: the workshop is limited to 20 children, between 6 and 12 years. Previous registration at [email protected] Participants need to bring their own SmartPhone or Tablet 18h30 Opening of all light installation 18h30 to 21h00 Meeting Point at Fábrica da Cerveja Workshop explaining the concept of Guerrilla, presenting and preparing for the event Guerrilla Lighting – Venue: Rua António Maria Laboia Note: the workshop is limited to 40 people. Previous registration at [email protected] 19h30/21h00/22h30 "Light Sound" LUZALAB – Raquel Fradique at Fábrica da Cerveja 00h00 Closure of the 2nd day of LUZA Festival 23h00 to 4h00 "After Party_DJ A Elliott with Guests" at Fábrica da Cerveja (with paid entrance) |
16th NOV10h30 to 12h30
“Light sketching” at Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve (with paid entrance) 15h30 to 17h30 Conference “Working with light” at Builder's Lounge 16h00 to 17h00 SOLD OUT LUZA kids - Workshop Creation of Holagram by Museu Zer0 at Fábrica da Cerveja Note: the workshop is limited to 20 children, between 6 and 12 years. Previous registration at [email protected] Participants need to bring their own SmartPhone or Tablet 18h30 Opening of all light installation 19h00 to 21h00 Workshop “Introduction to the art of Light Painting Photography”. Meeting Point at Hotel Faro Note: the workshop is limited to 20 people. Previous registration at [email protected] Participants will need to provide their own camera with manual shutter speed options and a tripod 19h30/21h00/22h30 "Light Sound" LUZALAB – Raquel Fradique at Fábrica da Cerveja 21h30 Pixsom by ARCMúsicos at Fábrica da Cerveja 00h00 Closure of LUZA Festival 23h00 to 4h00 "After Party_DJ A Elliott with Guests" at Fábrica da Cerveja (with paid entrance) |
All facilities will be FREE of charge and the public will be able to walk through the streets, monuments and buildings of the city for an unforgettable and illuminated experience. In addition, the city's trade will be open during the event, which will make the experience even more enriching for visitors.